Learning on the job | TUCAR

TUCAR newsletters


#1 Nov 1984 
Introduces TUCAR as a newsletter to inform Unions and cover issues important to Aboriginal workers. Photo and statements of its three Aboriginal employees: Margaret Friel, Warren Mundine and Veronica Collett-Loko. Has article on tragedy of Baryulgil, where workers and nearby Aboriginal community were poisoned by asbestos mining. 
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#2 March 1985
NSW Trades & Labor Council to adopt an Aboriginal Affairs Policy, supporting Land Rights and recognising Aboriginal people as original owners. TUCAR calls on unions to encourage Hawke Government to create a national land rights law. Thanks unions for supporting inquiry into John Pat’s death in police custody in WA. Calls for Union support to protect NT sacred site.
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#3 Apr 1985
ACTI backs national Land Rights. Double page spread: facts and fiction on Aboriginal land and mineral rights. Hawke ALP Federal Government has retreated on national land rights – Karen Flick writes analysis, calls on unions to pressure Fed government to return to full promised Land Rights Act.
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#4 Sept 1985
Introduces 4 new Aboriginal employees: Lee Silva (Coordinator); Gloria Horner (office); Wayne Darby and Robert Fogarty (researchers). First National Aboriginal Trade Unionists course. Aboriginal women in the workforce. Calls for support for Ingkerreke Outstation Resource Service, Alice Springs.
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#5 Oct 1985
Aboriginal people and ILO. Report on Aboriginal Unionists Course. TUCAR library resources for all unionists. Reports on Northern Land Council (NT) and NSW Land Council. National Federation of Land Councils speaks with ACTU.
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#6 Nov 1985
Anger over Fed Government abandonment of national land rights promise. ACOA (Administrative and Clerical Officers) hold Aboriginal Caucus. Threats to independence of States’ Land Councils. Uluru finally returned to traditional owners. Anti-discrimination Law causing concern. Northern Land Council calls for end to Ranger uranium deal. 
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#7 Dec 1985
Report on TUCAR AGM – double page spread. Report on UN action on Indigenous rights. Conservative Federal Government under Howard attacks unions. Gloria Homer reports on TUTA Women in Unions course. Report on strike at NT Mudginberri Abattoir over deregulation of labour. Report on ACOA Aboriginal caucus.
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#8 Feb 1986
Report on purchase of Weinteriga pastoral station on Darling River by Far Western Regional Land Council through NSW Land Rights Act funds. Report on Warrigal Support Group to support Aboriginal Workers. Report on new NSW Trades and Labor Council policy on Occupational Health and Safety. Call to attend TUTA course on Aborigines in Trade Unions.
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#9 Apr 1986
Federal Government not only retreats on national land rights promise but attempts to undermine NT Land Rights Act. TUCAR calls on Unions to support NT Land Councils to defend the NT Act. Aborigines and International Youth Year. Report from Social Welfare Research Council on Accident Insurance. Dept Aboriginal Affairs new funding rules. Further reports on ACOA.
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#10 June 1986
ACOA condemns DAA use of funding rules to attack NT Legal Aid. Yami Lester reports on Pitjantjatjara Council’s breakthrough agreement on oil exploration with Crusader and others after failed attempt to negotiate with BHP. Tracey Whetnall (Tranby graduate) reports on Aboriginal Recruitment Program to Australian Public Service. NSW Council of Social Service works with Aboriginal organisations in a Campaign for a Just Society to challenge funding cuts.
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#11 July 1986
Report from Tasmania, Lee Silva at ALP National Conference, Hobart. This national conference rejected the National Land Rights promise originally made. Slave labour in Queensland. DAA fights against equity for workers in Aboriginal corporations. Law Reform Commission on Customary Law.
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#12 Aug 1986
Calls on Unions to oppose Federal attempts to undermine NT Land Rights Act. Extended two page spread in explanation. Calls on Unions to support campaign to end Black Deaths in Custody.
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#13 Oct 1986
Land Rights Rally in Canberra by Kevin Tory. Report on Black Deaths in Custody Campaign. Land Rights in NT. Close Pine Gap campaign.
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#14 Nov 1986
Announces opening of Imparja, new Aboriginal TV station, by Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association: CAAMA. Report on all Aboriginal Broadcasting by Lester Bostock. Queensland Government tries to buy Aboriginal Votes. Report on Link Up campaign to reunite families separated by Stolen Generations policies in all states.
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#15 Dec 1986
TUCAR AGM: Secretary’s Report, Phil Wiffen. Introduces new TUCAR worker, Kevin Tory. National Anti-Bases Coalition launched with Indigenous and Union involvement to remove all US bases on Australian soil. Pope visits and calls for Aboriginal Rights.
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#16 Mar 1987
TUCAR Report on assistance to Aboriginal workers, Kevin Tory. Report on Black Women’s Action group, calling for union solidarity. NSW Teachers Federation on Education for Indigenous people in NSW and Queensland. New TUCAR trainee Aubrey Phillips.
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#17 Apr 1987
TUCAR opposes new Federal National and Liberal Party Aboriginal Affairs policy. Michael Mansell interviewed on Libyan conference opposing Racism.  National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations and ACTU in joint consultations. ACTU statement by Simon Crean on resulting new agreement.
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#18 June 1987
TUCAR statement on coming Bicentennial. Planning for Aboriginal Long March to bring Indigenous people from all over Australia to Jan 26 1988 in Sydney. Calls for Union support for Aboriginal planning for Bicentennial. Anti-Slavery Society calls for Reconciliation. TUTA course for Aboriginal Unionists. Flyers for Watch Committee on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and for Long March. TUCAR statement on coming July 11 Federal election.
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#19 Aug/Sept 1987
ACTU Aboriginal Affairs Policy: 2-page spread with details. Report about announcement of Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody. Federal Government interference in management of Warringu Women’s Shelter, Cairns by Kevin Tory. Calls for Union support in planning for Bicentennial and Long March.
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#20 Oct 1987
Communique from and report on meeting La Perouse organised by Annual National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations. Aboriginal Unemployment at critical level. TUCAR condemns Fiji coup. Report on Fiji: Democracy under attack.
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#21 Feb 1988
TUCAR AGM. Report from Chair, Phil Wiffen. Reports by secretary, Tony Amatto, treasurer, Kevin Cook and co-ordinator Kevin Tory. Report on Bicentennial – 2-page spread. Introduction and policy statements from Aboriginal Team for NSW Legislative Council – Anthony Amatto, Millie Ingram, Aub Phillips. 
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#22 Apr 1988
Unions pledge support for Aboriginal Australians. Report from National Coalition of Aboriginal Organisations meeting. Battle to save NSW Land Rights Act.
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#23 July 1988
Barunga Statement summary and discussion. PM Hawke meets Elders at Barunga, agreement reached 11-14 June. Aboriginal workers in the Public Service. Report from Committee to Defend Black Rights.
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#24 Sept 1988
NSW Liberal Party Premier Nick Greiner announces will repeal NSW Land Rights Act - his ‘New Directions in Aboriginal Affairs’ Policy. TUCAR and NSW Aboriginal Land Council condemn and issue alternative: ‘Black Paper’. UN Report: ‘Australia fails on Human Rights.’ Unions and National Coalition set up NUCAM: National Unions Coalition with the Aboriginal Movement.
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#25 Apr 1989
TUCAR Report for 1988. Report on conference: Philippines Peace Brigade. NUCAM supports production of Building Bridges Album, launched at Bondi Pavilion with 3000-strong audience. Report: Another Black Death in Custody. Report on Black Deaths in Custody Royal Commission – TUCAR response to first four case reports.
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#26 July 1989
NT Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act allowing sacred sites to be mined. Call on Union support to oppose NT Act. TUCAR condemns Navy weapons tests at Jervis Bay on Aboriginal sacred sites. Call for a Just Settlement, Henry Reynolds. TUCAR report on Cockatoo Island Aboriginal Occupation and worker strike.
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#27 Nov 1989
ACTU Congress adopts important Aboriginal Affairs statement by Pat Fowler (Anderson) Aboriginal Education Officer, Victorian Teachers’ Federation. Reprinted in this Newsletter. Helen Corbett addresses UN. Report on NSW Government – Greiner abandons plans to repeal NSW Land Rights Act but substantially amends the 1983 act to centralise power, cut funding and change voting rights.
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#28 June 1990 – last one held
TUCAR calls on Unions to oppose Greiner amendments to NSW Land Rights Act. Report on Kakadu and attack by mining company on Jawoyn people’s attempts to protect Coronation Hill. Failure of NT Sacred Sites Act to offer any protection against mining. 
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