Student newsletters


From the late 1970s, students or teachers began organising newsletters, which carried stories or news about the students themselves, their excursions or their communities. These books were different each year but students always contributed to them and they were aimed at students themselves, their communities and the wider, interested public.

Often students edited these newsletters and gathered contributions from other students. Sometimes the books were Year Books or Graduation Books for the students of one course, like Business Studies Course. At other times, they might be student-edited books for all the students and courses in Tranby. One like this for all Tranby students was made in 1985 and called The Meeting Tree, taking its name from the Tranby logo, drawn by former student Billy Wilson from Bourke. It was put together in a joint project between Tranby students and teachers and the Communications school at UTS. By the 1990s, Tranby staff were publishing a number of newsletters each year as well as encouraging students to make Year Books for different courses, so each year might have some of each type of book.

You can find digitised issues of all these different types of newsletters here, scanned from the Tranby Archives. There may have been others published but these are all the holdings in the Archives currently. These issues have been digitised by Lynette Bolt and Fiona Smith in their work in the Networking Tranby project.

For some years, extracts only have been scanned, where, for example, students included their biographies to introduce themselves to their fellow students. The full original remains in the Tranby Archives and can be accessed with Tranby Board agreement.



Newsletter 1978 cover

Title: Tranby August 1978

Creative poetry, short stories and drawings by students. News about Tranby students support for the Miners Union strike fund in their campaign against UTAH coal mining company. Message of thanks from students to Rev Alf Clint and Tranby staff.

Gwen Corunna, Edith BeGiambattista, Darleen Lena, Hazelene Patterson, Daphne Cummings, Charles Wright, Frank Langlo, Sam Hayes, Derek Haines, Tony Hanies


Newsletter cover 1980

Title: Tranby Students Talk

A selection of student writing about their experience of learning at Tranby and their thoughts on education; creative poetry and prose about country, kin and land rights.

Vincent Murgha, Lawrence Leslie (Dec), Richard Martin, Graham Mooney, Richard Bell, David Prosser, Vivienne Nean, Margaret Gillon, Brian Ponton
Dulcie Ponton, Louise West


Meeting Tree newsletter cover

Title: Meeting Tree

Creative writing in poetry and prose by Tranby students. News about many different things like childcare at Murawina, events from the Aboriginal and Islander Dance Company, NAIDOC and a protest meeting about Black Deaths in Custody. A Report on a demonstration in Canberra to which Tranby students had travelled to protest about the Education Crisis facing Aboriginal people across the country. And much more, including interviews, humour and recipes!

Raelene Bennett, Dorothy Brown

Newsletter cover 1984

Title: Tranby The Meeting Tree March/April 1984

The first student paper of Tranby’s history, edited by Frances Peters. It contains creative writing, poetry and articles by Tranby students. News about a camp for children and a report on a camp held for adult students. An article about films, a Rock-Against-Racism concert and a film on Afro-American activist, Malcolm X. A copy of a letter written – and delivered! - to the Director of NSW Education by Tranby students, protesting against racist comments made by Education Department staff. Information about alcoholism and contacts for Alcoholics Anonymous. The results of the Koorie Basketball Carnival, some recipes and a call for feedback from readers.

Francis Peters (editor), Jackie Waia, Raelene Bennett, Richard Bamblett, Juliette Kunari, Alphena Humes, Doreen Sukh, Helen Boyle


We work together to live newsletter cover

Title: The Meeting Tree - We work together to live

The issue was dedicated to Regina Choolburra, the Tranby receptionist who had suddenly passed away and who had been a close friend and colleague of all students and staff. It is a very large issue with an extensive history of Tranby, news of many excursions and lots of pictures! With high production values, the issue had been written and produced by Tranby students with support from the NSWIT Communications Link course, coordinated by Paula Ware with artwork by Fernanda Martins.

Raelene Bennett, Paula Ware, Sue Fowler, Lyndsy Fatnowna, Denise Emmerson, Joanne Ellen, Christine Walford, Steven Ridgeway, Dorothy Brown, Denise Poberts, Vivial Hall, Dale Toby, Lillian Milies, Glenys Kelly, Nancy Waia, Brian Duncan, Mick Ella, Jack Beetson, Helen Bell, Tom Evans, Hilton Donovan, Gary Williams, Warren Mundine, Brian Leslie (dec), Kerry Keegan, Vanessa King, Abellissah Kabai, Margaret Holliway, Kurt Brereton, Matt Davies, Helen Boyle, Grant Drage, Michael Ella, Louisa Murray, Barbara Leslie, Frances Peters, Debbie Bradley, Kathy Pauly, Beryl Lynette, Fernanda Martins


1986 Tranby Newsletter cover

Title: Newsletter 1986 Issue 1

Creative writing, discussion and prose by Tranby students with introductions from Tranby staff and a report from Director of Studies, Helen Boyle, about the Oral History conference at Silverton and its relevance at Tranby. Summary on Bangkok conference on the role of women in the Asia Pacific by Karen Flick, Tranby student adviser. Report from Malcolm Cole on Aboriginal and Islander Dance Company ‘Day of Peace’ at Ba’hai Temple, Mona Vale where the Dance company performed dance improvisations, including one based on Jack Davis’ poems read by Ernie Dingo. Results from Koorie United Rugby League and Koorie Basketball competitions.

Gavin Flick, Donna Murray, Marjorie Little, Janelle Brown , Paul Williams, Geoff Lomas (dec), Leslie Coade, Vee Sparks, Lesley Townsend, Rod Thorne, Phyllis Bray, Vincent Strong, Gloria Gray, Kerry King, Janette Ardler, Allan Leonard, Louisa Murray, Hilton Donovan

Tranby Students Newsletter

Title: Tranby Students Newsletter Issue 2 June 1986

Poetry & articles written by students. Reports by Paul Williams and Brian Duncan, students on the Tranby Field Trip to Lake Mungo. Report on Committee to Defend Black Rights campaign for a Royal Commission and on regular film nights it was holding at Tranby. Letter from Tranby Skills students to Commonwealth Minister Senator Susan Ryan, protesting the inadequacy of the Student Allowance, pointing out that Study Grants were less than Unemployment Benefits. .

Janette Ardler, Paul Williams, Madonna Stewart, Paul Williams*, Leslie Coade, Brian Duncan

Tranby Students Newsletter 1986 Issue 3

Title: Tranby Students Newsletter 1986 Issue 3 August/September 1986

Creative writing, poetry and articles by Tranby students. Report by student B. Duncan on the Brewarrina community campaign to develop a Cultural Museum to explain the story of the Fish Traps in the Barwon River beside the town and their cultural significance to Aboriginal people. The Newsletter included Tranby’s plans for its student excursion to Thursday Island/Torres Strait Excursion to take place from 28 December 1986 to 12 January 1987 with itinerary of trip. Congratulations to Rhonda Page and Jason Mumbulla, elected as Tranby student representatives to the International Youth Tour to Canada in October 1986.

Madonna Stewart, Brian Duncan, Jack Houghton, Chris Muhne, Jacqueline Mackay, Rhonda Page (student representative to Canada), Jason Mumbulla (student representative to Canada), Alan Lui (contact person for TSI Excursion)


Tranby Newsletter

Title: Tranby Newsletter 3rd August 1987

Extract from newsletter showing notices and plans to produce the newsletter over coming months. Personal introductions from students not included.

Jason Mumbulla, John Anderson (pic in newsletter)

Tranby Newsletter No 4

Title: Tranby Newsletter No 4 31st August - 4th September 1987

Extract from Newsletter. Creative writing and poems by students.

Mandy Hall, Lillian X, Dave Morrissey , Michael Christie, Chris Milne, Dana Stewart, Sonya Boney, Wally, Peter

Tranby Newsletter No 5

Title: Tranby Newsletter No 5 14th September 1987

Student articles, film reviews, call to students for more copy.

Lynette Miller, Ronald Page, Geoff Lomas (dec), Cynthia, Jacky


Tranby Bridging Course Year Book

Title: Tranby Bridging Course Year Book

Creative fiction and prose by students and great art work! Report about Work Experience by a Tranby student participant. Reviews by students of plays, films and books. Fun pages with a quiz and ‘Your Stars’.

Maureen Randall, Keryn Ellis, Faith Aldridge, Lyn Soong, Amanda Holt, Wendy Holland, Georgette Sandys, Henry Phineasa (dec), Deborah Wright, Kerry Meyers, Clark Perks, Richard Pearce, Andrew Dewdney, Samantha Saunders, Kathryn Meyers


Aboriginal Issues - A Photo-activity resource for literacy groups

Title: Aboriginal Issues - A Photo-activity resource for literacy groups

A great resource book of photos and illustrations by the Tranby students in the 1989 TranbyCollege photography class with taught by Mervyn Bishop and Andrew Dewdney. It was designed to be used with a set of large stimulus prints available from Tranby.

John Anderson, Charmaine Moran (identifiable through pictures only)

The Big Chill Begins - Bridging Course

Title: The Big Chill Begins - Bridging Course

This is the year book of student writing from the 1989 Bridging Course. It includes student drawings, political statements, photos and creative writing – some fictional and some about their own experiences.

Ivan Ring, Frank Mcleod, Pam Tall, Lawrence Nolan, Mahalia Lester, Zane Dodd, L.D, Mary Dargan, Jim Fristcone, Charmaine Moran, Agatha Morgan, Michael Prince, Guy Edgill, John Anderson, Guy Edgill


Tranby Year Book

Title: Tranby Year Book

Reports from Tranby Coop, Blackbooks and the ADU and then from each of the Teaching programs, including student writing. Lots of photos, lots of information. Then reports events that Tranby staff and students had been involved in, including the Land Rights March in protest at the Greiner Government attempts to undermine the Act and the Field Trip to Townsville for five Community and Welfare Studies students to the conference on the Futures of Aboriginal & Islander Remote Communities. The issue ends with news about where graduates of Tranby had gone on to work and live.

Charmaine Wellington, Tracy Conklin, Dallas Wellington, Victoria Kennedy, Fiona Smith, Debbie Mahr, Michelle Cooke, Elizabeth Wyamarra, Mahdi Smith (dec), Len Sharman, Pam Jackson, Alan Maroney, Yvonne Skeene, Qayne Quakawoot, Roy Simon, Ron Ceissman, John Anderson, Charmaine Moran, Jeffery Smith, Jan Wynyard, Martha Green, Barbara Crichton, Patrick Johnson, Graham Dixon, Patrick Roberts, Shane Adams (dec), Shane Dobson, Sonya Whitton (dec), Pam Tall, Rita Pearce, Jim Fristcone, Neil Gordon, George Toby


Tranby Tales - CABE

Title: Tranby Tales - C.A.B.E

Many rich stories all written by CABE students. Some are stories about growing up or about travelling or coming to Tranby. Some are life experiences and some are hopes and plans. There are short plays and powerful photographs and great layouts. And fun pages! - with crosswords puzzles and answers too!

Ralph Close, Graham Dixon, Faye Hoskins, Wayne Quinlan, Russell Smith, Lee Hill, Ray Kilpatrick, Lawrence Murphy, Anthony Taylor, Fredrick Malone, Cedrick McGrady, Joan Whitton, Rita Pearce, Valerie Porter, Kareena Jackson, Dean Mongta, Anne Orcher, Pat Roach (Pam Tall), George Fernando, Sonya Whitton (dec), Robin Quinlan, Ian Benton, Michael Richards, Helen Boggie, Leasa Yow Yeh, Terry Bartman 

Tranby Student Year Book


Title: Tranby Student Year Book

Creative writing and poetry by Tranby students. Students writing about learning and writing profiles. Diaries of a student camp at Honey Bay, south of Nowra and an excursion to Wollongong. Student report of a student trip to Alice Springs and Yulara at Uluru. Report by student who attended the ‘National Torres Strait Islander Road to Recovery Conference’ in Brisbane. Great student photos and artwork and a collection of students’ favourite quotes from people like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and a Graffiti Artist at Bondi. Newsletter produced by Tranby staff and students.

Howard Edwards, Patrick Johnston, Charmain Moran, Glen Skuthorpe, Wayne Quakawoot, Ray Douglas, Howard Edwards, Ernie Holten, Paul Blow, Fred Clarke, Pau Newman, Shane Dobson, Tracey Beetson, Fred Blair, John Anderson, Karen Blair, Kim Flanders, Wayne Mumbler (dec), Helen Whap, Yvonne Skeen, Todd Gordon (?), Cheryl Riley, Carol Simon, Yvonne Skeene,
Helen Anu, Cassandra Townsend, Alan Marony, Kymberly Jones, Kelvin Marr, Noel Morgan, Tamy Parner, Trevor Robinson, Laurie Cohen, Howard Edwards, Ray Douglas


Yarns from the Tranby Tribe - CABE

Title: Yarns from the Tranby Tribe - C.A.B.E 

Student interview with Ernie Dingo; Students profiles; Reports on excursions to Lake Mungo, Broken Hill, Mutawingee, Wilcannia, Dubbo, Ningan, Menindi, Jervis Bay, Wattamolla; student creative play-writing; reviews of plays and films; student photography, and fun pages with quizzes and cross-words. Personal stories not included.

Ross Ingrey, Clare Benton, Muriel Blakely also Blakeney (Bambi), Russell Smith, Sonya Whitton (dec), Orbison Fisher, Shirley Nicholson, David Blakeney, Barbara Harte, Neil Hart, Lawrence Murphy, Fay Hoskins, Richard Smith, Lesley Anne Ruhl, Wayne Quilan, Allan Robinson, Pam Tall, Jerry Gutchen, Claudette Hoskins, Kevin Riley, Anthony Taylor, Malcolm Mason, Lisa Kinchela, Ralph Close, Cheryl Pierce (dec), Chrissy Locke, Kathleen Blakeney, Jason Jackson, Therese Gordon


Indigenous Peoples Dreaming

Title: Indigenous Peoples Dreaming

Creative writing, poetry, interviews with Dave Sands and Jack Beetson, Report of Jervis Bay Creative Writing Workshop, Student writing about Adult Education, Student reviews of plays: ‘The Dreamers’, ‘Gungies’ and ‘Terrence Nullius and the Crime Ministers’ and Dance Performance ‘The Praying Mantis Dreaming’ by Bangarra Dance Company. Personal stories not included.

Denise Brown, Wayne Quinlan, Robert Brennan, Rosy Fisher, Russell Fisher, George Fernando, Pat Roach, Fay Hoskins, Robert Gordon, Eddie Cochrane, Sonya Whitton (dec), Jim McNamara, Gloria Lynette, William Gardiner, Paul Reid, Lynne Close, Robyn Ridgeway, Wanda Kirby, Jacky Mason, Diane Ridgeway, Michael Keating, Michelle Evans


Tranby T.P.C & Business Studies Students Yearbook

Title: Tranby T.P.C & Business Studies Students Yearbook

Student creative writing and interviews. Student report on Tranby Orientation at Stanwell Tops. Student Review of Jack Davis play, ‘The Dreamers’ at Bondi Pavilion. Report on the World Indigenous People’s Conference at Wollongong, December 1993.

Robyn Ridgeway, Veronica-Jane Brischke, Teresa Palmer, Trish Griffith, Adam Farrawell, Robert Gordon, Virginia Skuthorpe, Katherine Edmunds, Helen Boggie, Robbie Jarrett, Macka, Gloria Lynette, Cassandra Jeffrey, Reid Strahan, Bill Wallace, Vic Cohen, April Newman, Chris Cole, Rod Wallace, Lisa Connor, Kevin Riley, Neal Hart, Ray Robinson
Josephine Brischke

Tranby 94 Yiribana (this way) - CABE Year Book

Title: Tranby Aboriginal College Newsletter No. 2

Student creative writing, articles, poetry and interviews. Focus on Indigenous entrepreneurs, eg Aboriginal Dreaming Cruises. Report from Pam Greer, Ngampa woman, who had represented Indigenous women at the UN Conference in NY on Population and Development. Cathy Banton, trainee manager, reporting on Blackbooks.

Dot Cutmore, Brendan Mason, Donduggan, Russell Smith, Kerry Ferguson, Chris Cole, Randall Williams, Sonya Whitton (dec), Di Ridgeway, Cheryl Pierce (dec), Denise Nicholas, Jerry Gutchen, Jackie Mason, Gregory Williams

Tranby Aboriginal Co-operative College Number 5

Title: Tranby Aboriginal Co-operative College Number 5

Up-coming events, articles, reviews, poetry, stories, art
Political: Report of The Chris Hani Memorial Tour by Robyn Ridgeway; Letter to President Mandela, South Africa, from Tranby students; Gender Justice in the new South Africa. Student report on Field Trip to Tweed Heads, August 1994, by Russell Smith.

Robyn Ridgeway, Rod Wallace, Ray Robinson, Veronica Brischke, Kim Reaman, Kerry Ferguson, Chris Cole, Denise Nicholas, Greg Williams, Robert Gordon, Lisa Johnson, Nicole Ballard, Darryl Peter Ross, Kevin Riley

Newsletter cover image

Title: Tranby 94 Yiribana (this way) - C.A.B.E Year Book

Students’ creative writing; student reports on Tweed Heads Field Trip (Russell Smith); on Minnamurra Rainforest Field Trip (Jerry Gutchen); and on Jervis Bay Trip (Randall Williams, Robert Brennan, Russell Smith, Wayne Quinlan, Chris Cole). Great photos from the Jervis Bay Field Trip. Students interviewing each other; Student interview with Yvonne de Vries, Director of Studies. Students’ reports on the State of Origin Games 1, 2 and 3. Fun pages have guessing games, a crossword (with answers on next page!) and great snapshots! Personal ‘Flashback’ stories not included.

Dot Cutmore, Brendan Mason, Donduggan, Russell Smith, Kerry Ferguson, Chris Cole, Randall Williams, Sonya Whitton (dec), Di Ridgeway, Cheryl Pierce (dec), Denise Nicholas, Jerry Gutchen, Jackie Mason, Gregory Williams,


Ngunu Ngulla (belonging to here) Munta Gnahjanu (from this land) CAFE

Title: Ngunu Ngulla (belonging to here) Munta Gnahjanu (from this land) C.A.F.E

Student creative writing and poetry. Student writing on field trips to Stanwell Tops; Homebush Bay; to the Earth Exchange, Boomalli Dance Company, the Aquarium, Powerhouse, the Tent Embassy, the Royal National Park, Wattamolla, Bare Island. Report of a Ferry Trip on the Parramatta River; Field Trip to Jindabyne, Bega and Wreck Bay. Field trip to Menindee.

Gloria Winters, Russell Smith, Julian McGrady, Charles Moran, Deborah Vickers, Edna Brown, Peter Duncan, Jackie Mason, Nancy Wood, Beverley Taylor, Julie Robinson, Brendan Mason, James Caldwell, Clinton Farmer, Joseph Brown, Paul Reid, Chris Aldridge, Daniel Gilbert, Nancy Wood, Denise Nicholas, Clinton Farmer, Edward Cochrane


Tranby Newsletter No.3

Title: Tranby Newsletter No.3

Creative writing; Report on 14 Tranby students training at 2SER; Student diary of field trip to Bundjalung Country 3-11 May 1996, Information about Blackbooks, Tranby history, Careers Day on July 24 and a Crossword.

Charles Moran, Mary Edwards, David Wright

Ngawiyati Ngawurrayamurrumi - Working Together - CAFE Yearbook

Title: Ngawiyati Ngawurrayamurrumi
Working Together - C.A.F.E Yearbook

Student stories about memories and family; student creative writing and poetry, profiles of celebrities like Evonne Goolagong. Reports by students on Tranby field trip to Goodooga & Angledool including Gnuoy Station with great photos of Gloria Lynette (student author of one of the reports) as a rouseabout picking up a fleece. Report on field trip to Wattamolla & to the Blue Mountains. Orientation Week at Stanwell Tops; CAFE Information Table and Careers Day. Great photos of students and Yvonne de Vries, Director of Studies.

Patricia Dobson, Shane Griffiths, Kathy Delaney, Gloria Winters, Gloria Lynette, Karen Punguatji, Praxedes Tipungwuti, Elma Tungutalum, Margaret Hall, George Fernando, Randall Williams, Brendan Williams, Russell Smith, Gloria Winters, Tex Skuthorpe, Jenny Brown, Jackie Mason, Kelvin Willimas, Brendan Mason, Marc Hampton


Stepping Stones C.A.F.E Yearbook

Title: Stepping Stones C.A.F.E Yearbook

Student creative writings, poetry, plays, photographs. Students interviewing students. Student report on Field Trips to Wattamolla and the Royal National Park. Student report on visitors to Tranby from Japan. Review of Bangarra Dance Company performance. Fun pages with lovely pix, ‘Find a Word’ and ‘Your Stars’.

Praxedes Tipungwuti, Elma Tungutalum, Cheryl Stockwell, Elise Stockwell, Thelma Sampson, Shane Griffiths, Marc Hampo, Max Kilby, Keith Stockwell (sunny), Brooke Currie , Rebecca Hampton, Max Kilby, Cyril Johnson, Olivia Williams, Brooke D Currie, Elma Tungatalum


Tranby newsletter cover image

Title: CAFE – Year of (Year Book) 1998, Extracts (Certificate of Aboriginal Further Education)

The 1998 CAFE students wrote more stories about news from their year at Tranby in 1998, with stories about the new buildings at Tranby and about excursions to Wattomolla, the Australian Museum, Kuringai National Park. They wrote about their classes in Photography and Art and there interviews where students ask the questions to Tranby staff members. Personal introductions from students not included.

Derek Beale, Fred Clark, Owen Griffiths, Cyril Johnson, Brendon Mason, Jackie Mason, Valerian Munkara, Denise Nicholas, Patricia Portaminnni, Eric Russell, Raey Stewart, Cheryl Stockwell, Praxie Tipungwuti, Eric Possum Russell

Tranby newsletter cover image

Title: CAFE 1998 - Our Education

The CAFE students of 1998 produced many stories, memories and poems in their writing journey through this year. In this book, they gathered their writing about their personal journey of education. They did this to encourage other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders throughout Australia to begin their own learning journeys.

Cheryl Stockwell, Freddy Clark, Patricia Portaminnni, Owen Griffiths, Praxedes Tipungwuti, Brendan Mason, Jackie Mason, Eric Possum Russell, Denise Nicholas, Valerian Munkara, Derek Beale, Cyril Johnson


Tranby newsletter cover image

Title: Diploma of Development Studies Aboriginal Communities, Extracts

Students’ photographs from their time at Tranby. Personal introductions from students not included.

Rayleen Wickey

NILS newsletter cover images

Title: NILS, extracts

Deborah Apps, Roslyn Barker, Max Bates, Sue Bedo’t, Paul Brandy, Jacqueline Cain, Vanessa Capstick, Stacey Chatlfield, Kay Corley, Donald Craigie Jnr, Gwen Craigie, Garry Creighton, Darlene Crump, Delma Currie, Victor  Darcy, Leslie Davison, Brian Dennison, Owen Dennison, Greg Edwards, Rosemary Fares, Ross Fowler, Carol French, Amanda Hamilton, Craig Jamieson, Kylie Kelly, Blanch Lake, Clare Leslie (dec), Rhonda McInhery, Annette McPhillips, Lisa Marno, Paula Martin, Graham Page, Sue Pinckham, Francesca Pitt, Wayne Powell, Samantha Pynor, Cleonie Quayle, Trevor Roberts, Rob Russell, Tayna Sampson, Joanne Scott, Graham Smith, Graham W. Smith, Troy Smith, Shawn Stubbings, Clive Suey, Lesley Townsend, Wayne Wallace, Malcom Webb, Clinton Wright, Roderick Wright

These books include an outline of the aims of the Diploma and its contents, introduce the teaching staff in both years and give the names of the students undertaking the NILS set of courses. Visitors and guest speakers in each year are introduced and the books give an outline of Excursions made by students, some to Indigenous sites like Mutawintji and some to Courts and to Corrective Services locations, including Mulawa, Emu Plains and Parklea. Personal introductions from students not included.


Tranby newsletter cover image

Title: Advanced Diploma of Applied Aboriginal Studies Commenced 1999/2000, Graduated March 2002

This course enrolled non-Indigenous students. The book includes an outline of their studies and their photographs and writing. Personal introductions from students not included.

The book opens with this dedication: 

‘We as a group wish to honour and respect our Aboriginal elders, tutors and mentors for opening their hearts, minds and spirit.’

Rosemary Liverstone, Freya Job, Daphne McKeough, Deborah Ruiz Wall (2001), Denise Barry, Robyn Heras, Kerrie Mckenzie, Josie Clements, Janice Cave, Patricia Strauss, Lis Tuck, Tanja Breher, Meredith Izon, Wendy Smyth, Anna Bell, Sandy Myers, Lindley Berrie, Cheryl Pike