Pictures tell stories: videos, photos + art


Students explored new ways to communicate through electives in wood craft, photography, video skills and art.

These are just some of the photographs of students working in creative communication during these electives.

Tranby students learning about photographic equipment

Students learning about photographic equipment, including Graham Thorne (right)

In the Tranby dark room

In the Tranby dark room

Tranby students painting in Western Desert style

Students painting in Western Desert style

Librarian, teacher (and Black Deaths in Custody activist) Rose Stack

Showing videos, with librarian, teacher and Black Deaths in Custody activist Rose Stack (middle)

Screen printing class with some T-shirts produced by students

Screen printing class with some T-shirts produced by students

Tranby Sports Day at La Perouse, with trophies demonstrating carving techniques such as those taught to students in Tranby classes. Shown attending are Tranby students (and some family members) with Tom (the Tranby bus driver, back row, fourth from right) and teacher, Robert Stanley (back row, far right)

Photography was an important medium to explore and Andrew Dewdney was a teacher at Tranby between 1987 and 1990 as well as working at the Inner City Education Centre (ICEC). He focussed on developing the use of photography to explore cultural identity and confront racism in the media. This work was published as More than Black and White (by Debbie Michels and Andrew Dewdney, 1988, ICEC) in the book Dewdney edited with Sandra Phillips: Racism, Representation and Photography (1994 ICEC) in which the photographs and words of a number of Tranby students were featured. A student has written about the photography elective in the 1998 Year Book for the Certificate of Aboriginal Further Education (CAFE).


Tranby archives holds VHS videos as well as papers. Many of these videos were made by students as they documented their excursions or talked with their fellow students or the teachers and other staff at Tranby. Some of these recordings are in very poor condition because they are old and were transferred from the even older format of UHF onto VHS. Tranby is undertaking the digitisation of these videos and eventually they will be available for viewing. For now, there is a draft list of the video recordings compiled by Fiona Smith. This list may not be complete as the label on the cassette sometimes does not accurately represent what is on the tape, which may have been dubbed over or simply mislabelled. The draft list gives, however, at least an idea of the range of videos Tranby Archives hold.


Draft list of the video recordings [PDF 172KB]